conflict resolution

Lisa PR Client Article Published in Los Angeles Daily Journal

Congratulations to my client, Angela Reddock-Wright, employment law mediator and arbitrator with Judicate West, and the Founding and Managing Partner of the Reddock Law Group, whose article, “#BlackLivesMatter & Conflict Resolution: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Mediating Claims of Race Discrimination”, was published in the 7/24/20 Los Angeles Daily Journal. Daily Journal Article (DJ 7-24-20)

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LISA PR Client Profiled by the Daily Breeze

Congratulations to Angela Reddock-Wright, an employment and labor law attorney, mediator, arbitrator, and workplace investigator, and the founder of The Reddock Law Group, who was profiled by the Daily Breeze in the 11/20/18 article, “Neighbors: Carson woman aims to help promote conflict resolution as president of t犀利士 he Southern California Mediation Association.” Angela believes that mediation is the way of

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